Move Update

Hello Everyone,

I do apologize for the delay in my updates. My house has been taking up a majority of my time outside of work. It required a lot of maintenance to catch up on what the past owners neglected. Now that I am done getting the house back into good shape only needing routine maintenance. I have started focusing on setting up my office. I am glad to say I am about 90% of the way finished with my office setup. I am hoping to be done in the next week or two.

This will allow me to start streaming again. I am so excited to reconnect with everyone with who I have not been able to over the past few months due to everything. I will start streaming off and on again once my office is set up and make a schedule for streaming starting the new year after I am done traveling for family and holidays.  Below is a picture of my desk set up in my new office. I am still working on cable management (it is harder than I thought it would be with an adjustable desk). Let me know what you all think.

Can you guess my favorite color?

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