Stream & Surgery Update
Hello Everyone,
As always I want to thank everyone who tuned in last Wednesday. I had a lot of fun streaming for everyone. I also wanted to say thank you for your patience with the slower stream schedule this month. I had my much-needed vacation on the first of this month. Then after my relaxing vacation, I had surgery scheduled to fix my deviated septum. This is why I didn’t stream on Friday. I want to report that the surgery has gone well. I can finally breathe through my nose. I am still a bit sore and tired well recovering. I should be back to normal by next week.
I am happy to announce that we have seen enrage and have made good progress on cleaning Eden 9 Savage. The Drunken Moogles should have it cleared by this week. I am looking forward to the clear and starting on Eden 10 Savage. I hope to see you all there on Wednesday for more progression and hopefully the clear.