A lot of Fun
Hello Everyone,
I had a lot of fun streaming on Friday and I hope you had fun watching. I will be streaming now every Wednesday and Friday. Excluding a week or two in February for my surgery. You can find out more about my stream schedule on our calendar. I hope to see you all there this Wednesday.
I also wanted to give you all an update on my Dog Poppy. She was not doing well the night I streamed. I was up till 3:30 AM with her trying to nurse her back to health. I had to take her to a pet hospital early in the morning. She was diagnosed with pancreatitis. She is now on medication to suppress the symptoms and a bland diet to address the problem. She should be back to normal and off medication in the next week. We will transition her from the bland diet to special food which should let her live a long healthy life.
She has been back home since late Saturday night and is doing well on her treatment. She is also being spoiled with lots of cuddles and love.

In other Poppy news, her logo is now complete and she is just so adorable in it. I will upload it to twitch as an emoji once I unlock more than one Emoji.

If you have any questions please reach out to us via discord to one of our moderation staff.

STOP POPPY HAS A LOGO 😯😯😯😯😯😯😯😯😯😯😯😯