Drunken Moogles & IRL Update
Hello Everyone,
I want to report my recovery from surgery is going well. I have less discomfort and more energy with every passing day. I am also happy to announce that Poppy has fully made it through her pancreatitis flare-up. She is no longer on medication and is off her wet food diet and is back to kibble. She is not having any issues with her new food and is now gaining weight like she needs to be. She should be at a healthy weight in the next few weeks. I will post some pictures of her with my next post. I have not been able to take many pictures of her during my recovery.
I am also excited to announce that my raid team the Drunken Moogels have cleared E9S. We accomplished this on Wednesday’s stream. We will be progging E10S on Friday’s stream. It was a lot of fun and hard work to learn and clear E9S with learning a new class. On top of everything going on in the real world for me at the moment, but I am glad we got there. I hope you have been enjoying watching the streams and the steady progress being made with every progression pull.
There have been a lot of request for me to setup another camera to be pointed where Poppy hangs out during my streams. Due to this all further donations received will be put towards a puppy cam.
Thank you for being the best part of my community. I look forward to seeing you all on Friday for our E10S progression stream. If you have any questions please reach out to our staff on our discord.