Stream Schedule Changes
Hello Everyone,
Thank you for your patients with the lack of posts as of late. Things IRL have been a bit crazy as of late.
I wanted to make this post to give you all an update on changes to the stream schedule. The Drunken Moogles raid team has switched out raid days to Tuesday and Friday. Due to this, I have moved the stream from Wednesday to Tuesday. I look forward to seeing you all there for our continued progress during raid. I will be taking some days off of stream for the month of June. I will be going to visit my family since we are now vaccinated. After I get back from visiting family in July, I will be launching a new stream series. Another post will be made with more details as the launch date gets closer.
I am glad to say that even though things have been crazy poppy and we are doing well. Poppy has been enjoying her long walks and playtime and cuddles on the couch. She has also been making good progress with her training. I will be taking and sharing more pictures of her shortly.
If you have any questions in regards to these changes. Please reach out to our moderator staff on discord.